Marketing Engine was created to allow marketers to show their results and their plan in the same place so patterns and correlations could be highlighted really easily. We’ve spoken to many subscribers who are using the platform, and we wanted to share how some of them are using Marketing Engine for measuring events.


Events for retention

One subscriber uses Marketing Engine to track retention of their current client base. Their main retention activity is an event series which has been hosted once per month for over five years with all current clients being invited. They have plotted all their events for the last five years on their canvas, alongside the dates for the next 3 upcoming events. They have overlaid the footfall number for each event and the number of current customer contracts they have (updated every Monday morning) on to the canvas.

An example above

Now they can see the pattern between when they run events, when the acquire clients, when a client leaves them and which events attract the biggest footfall (and whether these correlate with certain time of the year or certain types of content). Going forward they are going to use the platform to test the frequency of their events: changing it to once per week, twice per month, every other month and once every quarter to see what affect this has on the data they are recording.


Events for acquisition

Another subscriber is tracking the number of cases opened following the events they host.

They add the following data to their canvas:

  • Number of enquiries per week
  • Number of cases opened per week
  • Conversion rate from enquiry to cases opened per week
  • Branded organic search traffic to website per week
  • Number of sales per week
  • Sales value per week

Now they can visualise which events correlate with the largest number of leads, cases opening, conversion rates, search traffic and sales – and run some more of them!


Are you using Marketing Engine for measuring events? Tell us all about it @menginetweets!

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